Breeding Insects as feeder food

Comprehensive Guide for Breeding Insects

Today, more reptiles, arachnids and other insectivores are being kept for study and as pets than ever before. This means there is a growing need to provide a wider range of feeder insects than can often be found on the shelves of the local pet shop. But how can you get this varied diet?

This book provides a simple answer – breeding insects yourself!

In this comprehensive guide you will learn how to breed many different types of insect easily. Each section follows a similar format covering the life cycle, housing requirements, feeding, breeding and more - all you need to know to get started and succeed.

Chapters cover crickets, cockroaches, Diptera (including house flies and fruit flies), Lepidoptera (including silkworms and waxworms), locusts, beetles (including Pachnoda and mealworms), mantis and phasmids.

There are many beautiful colour photographs taken by the author to illustrate the different species and habitats.

Choose your format!

This book is available in two formats, Kindle and paperback. The text on breeding insects is identical in both versions. The paperback version has 77  informative colour photographs. To reduce the price of the Kindle version there are 45 photographs. The photographs have been formatted to take best advantage of the different devices.

Have a look inside:

Check out these sample pages from the paperback version of the book, showing the index and snippets from some of the chapters.

The book is packed with useful information on how to breed insects for your pets. The types of housing needed, foods and temperature details are given so that even a complete novice can soon be rearing a varied diet at a fraction of the cost when compared to buying from a pet shop.

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