Beginners Guide to Exotic Chameleon Care

Chameleons are surprisingly easy to care for – but they have specific requirements to keep them healthy. Fail in any one of these and, unfortunately, your pet will suffer. Chameleon care is simple when done correctly. But people buying their first animal are often still given incorrect information.

The Beginner’s Guide to Exotic Chameleon Care shows you the correct conditions needed to ensure that your chameleon thrives. The information is not focussed on one geographic location, so whether you are in Europe, Malaysia, Mexico or elsewhere, the necessary details for good chameleon care are easily found in this ebook.

All of the essential topics are discussed, including:

  • choosing a healthy animal
  • the benefits of a varied diet
  • the critical need for adequate ultraviolet light
  • providing the right housing
  • guidance on temperature, water
  • the use of supplements
  • the risks of metabolic bone disease and other health issues.

The author has years of experience keeping and breeding various chameleon species. He has given talks and written many articles on chameleon care to help others succeed with these fascinating creatures. Having lived and kept chameleons in Europe, South Africa and Malaysia, he knows the problems encountered in different climates and locations.

This ebook version is available through Smashwords as well as Kindle. You can obtain a copy from your favourite online bookseller : Apple, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Scribd, Baker and Taylor, Oyster, Flipkart, Gardners and more. So you can download the book in pdf, epub, mobi, txt and other popular formats.

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